Holoscenes: A Submerged Ballet

Seamlessly Reminiscent of an Underwater Ballet

Photograph: Mandy K Yu

An ambitious human aquarium project probes the connection between the powers let loose by climate catastrophes and our mundane everyday activities.
— Fran Schechter, Now Toronto

Nuit Blanche in Toronto is an event that I always look forward to year after year. It's a night to explore the city, experience art with friends and local Torontonians, and discover new food trucks along the way. #churros

The exhibit that caught my eye this year was "Holoscenes" by Lars Jans. It's a performance piece that focuses on issues of climate change, global warming, flooding, and how it would affect our quotidian activities.

It's demanding, captivating, thoughtful, and seamlessly reminiscent of an underwater ballet – controlled with a degree of gracefulness.